Siyaset meydanında Gazze kurtarmak

It hurts me. For Gaza . It also hurts because we can't do anything other than "burn inside" . We are writing about the children who were bombarded with bombs, and it hurts me to see the little ones struggling to get a plastic container and a bowl of soup in their hands. It hurts me to see a mother struggling to get her baby out of the rubble of houses destroyed by bombs. Even looking at the Gaza news is overwhelming...

In this very environment, doesn't someone come out of the political scene and make a sentence like "The oppressed people in Gaza will rejoice on March 31" ? I feel heartbroken and also sick to my stomach in the face of this soggy political abuse. Murat Kurum said so :

“On March 31, the oppressed in Gaza will rejoice. Our brothers who reached out to us in Gaza will be happy. Our children from Gaza will be happy. "For the freedom of Gaza and the aid we will provide to Gaza as IMM, hopefully our nation will again take a stand in favor of real municipalism on March 31."

This is a clear "abuse of Gaza." Now we come to the “Sisi equation” again … “Will you vote for Sisi or Binali Yıldırım?” This time, the "Sisi equation"cannot be established, because we have embraced Sisi. Then we have to find something else, long live Gaza! But Gaza cannot survive...

Gaza is dying in front of everyone's eyes. Children are dying and the whole world is watching.

Our world, that is, the world we associate with "Islam", also finds solace with three to five trucks of aid.

And also, "If we win the election in Istanbul, what will we do?"

Of course, people don't ask, don't people say, "Brother, isn't the entire country under your control? You should do whatever you can..."

Maybe they will say, "We can't do anything more, brother, that's all we can do. If we were like America, we would provide aid to Gaza, similar to the aid it provides to Israel. We wouldn't allow babies to die there, but that's as much as we can afford." “We cannot afford anything beyond that.”

Let's say, President Erdoğan would be more convincing if he made an accounting like " This is all we can do" for Gaza or other "oppressed"Islamic lands - societies like the accounting he did for the "Pensioners".

Gaza is dying and the so-called “Big!” The Islamic world cannot come to his aid. The world asks “Is humanity dead?” he questions, and we say, "Is the Islamic world dead?" It wouldn't be wrong if we question:

Political expediency never dies.

So I'm saying, "Does Murat Kurum never think that this kind of discourse will be read as runny political abuse?"

People say , “Do what you can do, brother, why are you waiting for March 1st? Isn't the state under your control? Doesn't he ever think he'll ask?

Where was the final point in the Mavi Marmara incident? Isn't it the "Did you ask me on the way there, brother?" reaction?

Maybe I will be asked: What can Türkiye do that it doesn't do?

This question is important... I wish we all asked this question as the Islamic world... Obviously, there is a weakness. Let's say that, keeping Turkey's claims secret, there is a weakness. We can't do anything more than that...

I wish we could make a healthy and accurate accounting of this, or if we could... I say "we could" because if we had been able to do this 10 years ago, maybe since the First World War, we, as the Islamic world, would be a different world today. At least we wouldn't be a world that "always cries". Since the time when the late Mehmet Akif turned to the Islamic world and said , "If crying was beneficial, my father would wake up" ...

I discuss this topic as "How can the Ummah rise up?" I shared it with the society many times in my conferences titled. I can guess that some of my readers will comment, "You mentioned the ummah again, Mr. Ahmet." What can I say, the Gaza news hurts the hearts of the friends who make this objection. Because that world is our world. Moreover, even if we were only living in the world, Gaza or Bosnia would burn us as human beings...

Taha Kılınç wrote in Yeni Şafak yesterday ... Under the title "The way out" ... I know Taha, he is a beautiful person whose heart is familiar with all the pains of the ummah. He also knows the Islamic world well. In the article, he finds it strange that young people are making such heroic gestures as "Each of you will be Selahattin Ayyubi, you will be the Conqueror to save Jerusalem" from the podiums and stages , and that not everyone is a commander in Selahattin Ayyubi's army of 40 thousand people marching to Jerusalem, and that the farriers who put horseshoes on the horses' feet are also very vital. After reminding them that they are performing their duty, that is, the task is an all-out struggle move, he recommends the following as a "way out" to avoid falling into the vortex of despair:

“There is definitely something that each of us can do, depending on where we stand, our abilities and the conditions of the time. Without being dragged into Ye's trap, 'I'm called falling?' We will never remove the question from our agenda. No matter what the slogans, grandiose speeches and passionate shouts say, we will never forget that victory can only be achieved with long-term, reasonable and feasible projects. "There doesn't seem to be any other way out."

What do you think, leaders of major Islamic countries such as Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia come together and say, "Why can't we do something more effective to stop the crime against humanity committed in Gaza?" Can they initiate a negotiation?

Or does it seem much easier and sweeter to "liberate Gaza" from the squares of Istanbul ?