Select the data base on which the election simulation will be based.
Under the simulation heading, for the elections to be held in the future, the vote distribution of the parties by 81 provinces and the number of parliamentary seats they can win in the provinces are calculated based on the vote rates you will predict for the elected parties.
At the beginning of the process, Siyasett users can take a past election or poll result as a basis and, if they wish, modify these vote rates, form alliances between parties and then produce different lists based on different values.
Explanations about the simulation technique are given under the heading ‘Frequently Asked Questions’.
Select the survey companies to be used in the simulation.
Select which survey result you want to use and click on the ‘Next’ button.
Select which election result is to be used and click on the ‘Next’ button.
Select the parties to be evaluated in the simulation and click ‘Next’ button.
You can make any changes you wish on the vote rates you have predicted for the parties you have selected.
As the vote share values for the parties are entered, the values for the parties not included in the simulation will be displayed under the heading ‘Other’.
Tick which alliance group each party will be in when you make the changes to the vote shares.
After the edits, click the ‘Next’ button.
Parti Adı | Ort. Oy | Tah. Oy |
Select the provinces to be included in the simulation.
If you want to simulate for the whole Turkey, click on the ‘All Provinces’ button.
Simulation preparation time varies between 10 seconds and 2 minutes depending on the number of selected provinces.
After the process is completed, the simulation results will be displayed on the new screen opened in the side tab.
Simulation is prepared by taking into account the ideological structures of the parties and the social fabric of the provinces.
Explanations about the simulation technique are given under the heading ‘Frequently Asked Questions’.
You can share any comments about the simulation module with us.
Select the provinces to be included in the simulation. |
Parti Adı |